Peter Almond

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

This event will be closed to the public. Please join us for the live stream on Facebook! Peter Almond is a documentary and narrative filmmaker, whose career includes work on […]

He Dreams of Giants

The Cabot 286 Cabot St, Beverly, MA

The GWC is a community Partner with Salem Film Festival again this year. The Guardian says,  "...a moody plunge into the anguish of the artistic process...By the end of this […]

A word from the Gloucester Writers Center

In order to keep our community safe, the Gloucester Writers Center has postponed our events for the next month. Looking for something to do?  We have a wealth of readings […]

Ongoing Virtual Events

Click on down  and join us  for our  first social distance event Join us @  for Let the People Pick the President Jesse Wegman  is a member of the New […]

Stay Safe

Dear Friends, During this time of mass isolation we are  hunkering down with our Board to explore, regroup and reimagine how we can best serve the community while moving sustainably […]

Zoom – Virtual Open Mic

                                    virtual Roger Davis invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting for the […]