JoeAnn Hart and Greg Gibson

Cultural Center at Rocky Neck 6 Wonson Street, Gloucester, United States

In July 1976, a twenty-four-year-old white woman, Margo Olson, was found in a shallow grave in Stamford, Connecticut, with an arrow piercing through her heart. A few weeks later, Howie […]

Mary Baine Campbell

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Mary Baine Campbell is a Cambridge-based poet and scholar (of literature and the histories of travel, geography, science and utopia), as well as a climate activist.  Her publications include The […]

Walt Whitman’s 200th Birthday Party

Maud / Olson Library 108 East Main Street, Gloucester

Join us at the Maud/Olson Library for a celebration of Walt Whitman's 200th birthday! Wine, dine, and revel on the deck with us at the M/OL, as we celebrate the […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Aine Greaney

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Áine’s presentation will focus on writing personal essays--such as those published in The Boston Globe Magazine, Brevity, The New York Times Modern Love series and other publications. She will discuss the […]

Judith Wright and Tom Fels

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Judith Wright was born in 1939 and is an artist living in Gloucester, Massachusetts.  She became a Freedom Rider and was jailed in the Mississippi State Penitentiary in 1961. Later, […]

Patrick Donnelly

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

PATRICK DONNELLY is the author of four books of poetry, Little-Known Operas (Four Way Books, 2019), Jesus Said (a chapbook from Orison Books, 2017), Nocturnes of the Brothel of Ruin […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Naming the World with Julie Batten

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Naming the World - a weekend of Personal Essay based on Bret Anthony Johnston’s book. To write well we must be able to "name the world" around us in such […]