Fish Tales: Family Secrets
Gloucester Stage Company 267 East Main Street, Gloucester, MA, United States
The Gloucester Writers Center is a place for working writers in a working town
Like Vincent Ferrini, poet Linda McCarriston is a native of Lynn. She has two sons and four granddaughters. It took her much longer to settle in Gloucester than it […]
Brenda Coultas’ poetry can be found in the recent anthologies: Readings in Contemporary Poetry published by the DIA art foundation, What is Poetry (Just Kidding, I Know You Know) Interviews […]
Guided Memoir: A small-group experience for new writers Make new friends and nurture your creativity as you write your life story, two pages at a time! Join a small group […]
Yonghong Gu is from Suzhou, China. She is a visiting scholar at UMass Boston. She has studied history, literature and business. She has worked in education and business. Joseph […]
A program of photographs, haiku, and clarinet compositions originating from Halibut Point. Friday evening, April 12, 7:30 at the home of Stephen and Isabella Bates, 2 Masconomo […]
Schuyler Hoffman has published two books of poetry: Words in a Foreign Language and The Spaces Between as well as the collaborative poetry-music CD Sacrifice. His work has appeared in […]
Neeli Cherkovski was horn in Los Angeles and has Lived in San Francisco since 1974. He is the author of many books of poetry and prose and books translated into […]
A mosaic is made of many pieces together, as is our fine city. Three organizations are collaborating to present The Mosaic that is Gloucester: MosaicGloucester; Maritime Gloucester; and the Gloucester […]