Here's a link to the speech by Angela Davis. This link from the Advocate also offers some context There are a few reasons I chose to read this piece. Overall, I thought that it had many layers, which I hoped would inspire folks t think about intersections when fighting oppression. 1.) Perspective. This was Angela Davis speaking in Paris 1991 about her activism experience in the USA in 1970. I always find hindsight and context interesting. She also quotes Huey Newton, which brings in another perspective. 2.) The speech addresses the ongoing need for white people and artists to use their platforms and positions of power to support movements that protect the rights of and lives of people of color, and shows a powerful example of Jean Genet doing just that. 3.) It gives an example of leaders in an anti-oppression activist group recognizing the ways they might be contributing to the oppression of others (gays and women) and willingness to change, and in that sense shows people with different life experiences, identities, and perspectives working together. 4.) I find it very inspiring.