Writers from the Veterans Writing Workshop held their third public reading on Friday morning, December 5, 2014, at the Gloucester Veterans Center on Emerson Avenue. The group, poets and prose writers, is composed of men and women of varying backgrounds and experiences. All participants have connections with the military either personally or through their families. In her introduction to this recent event, workshop facilitator Dorothy Shubow Nelson explained the purposes of the workshop and the ways that working together in a supportive setting enables growth and transformation as writers and as members of the human community. She said, “When we share these writings we are giving to others. We hope that our words will be received in ways that offer renewal for both the writer and the listener. This is part of what it means to communalize the truths and lessons of our lives.” The group plans to publish an anthology of their writings in 2015.Top Row: Susan Frey and Marc Levy
Middle Row: Kerry Sullivan, Mel Olson and Connie Condon
Bottom Row: Martin Ray, Virginia McKinnon and Mary Connelly
Missing from photos: James Grigg, Ed Kaznocha and Charles Steiner