Nadine Boughton, M.A., is a writer/poet, collage artist, coach and teacher. Her writing has been published in literary journals, trade books and presented in a number of venues. She studied writing and voice with teachers in the oral tradition, including David Whyte. Nadine’s visual art is represented by the Matthew Swift Gallery in Gloucester and is exhibited, collected and published internationally. She is a creativity coach in private practice. Nadine holds an M.A. in Expressive Therapy from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.
Scott Withiam’s new book of poems, Doors Out of the Underworld, will be published by MadHat Press in early October 2019. Withiam has been a recipient of the Ploughshares Cohen Award, and the Two Rivers Review Chapbook and Drunken Boat Pan-Literary prizes. His first book, Arson & Prophets, came out with Ashland Poetry Press. Recent poems have been published by Agni, Antioch Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Diagram, Indiana Review, Ploughshares, Plume, and elsewhere.