Led by Bob Whelan
Select Monday evenings this fall (see below)
$50 suggested donation per workshop set; take one or take all 3!
To register:
September 12 & 26 Haiku
October 10 & 24 Haibun / Tanka
November 14 & 28 Tanka / Renga
This fall, join Cape Ann poet and educator Bob Whelan to examine, explore, and write haiku and related poetic forms and structures.
Each two-session class will introduce specific forms, including haiku and its cousins, halibut and tanka, as well as renga, a collaborative form. Though complications are inherent with the change in languages from these East Asian forms, we will adhere to the English language definitions of the individual forms. There is another caveat: it is good to know the rules so you know exactly how to break them! It is a creative process after all!
Participants will be expected to have work ready for each meeting, be supportive but also free to offer substantial feedback to hone their craft. It will meet twice a month as a group of peers. The facilitator will provide definitions, outlines and discussion about various aspects of origin, history, style, terms, form structure, and aesthetics traditionally/typically associated with each mode.
The workshops will be held at the Gloucester Writers Center at 126 E Main St, Gloucester, MA 01930 as well as outdoor walks and field trips. Traditionally, Japanese haiku walks are called gingkos, which are held in a place of historical or cultural significance or in an area of natural beauty.
There are 3 short workshops over 3 months each exploring different facets of Haiku and related forms. The sessions are sequential and build upon each other but one can participate in any or all of the workshops. Sessions are 2 hours on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month.