Ellen Wilkin has been writing for 45 years as a poet and essayist, as a technical writer and editor in the computer industry, and as a novelist. Several of her poems were published in THE POETRY JAM SESSIONS, a collection she also edited. Her current project is a science fiction/time travel novel. She also runs a poetry salon in Longmont, Colorado.
Ellen grew up in western New York and now lives in Colorado with her husband, Dave. Ellen travels often because of her writing. She visited Manhattan and Cambridge in 2001 to do research for a possible biography of Mary Coyle Chase (who wrote the Pulitzer-Prize-winning play HARVEY). In 2011, Ellen toured Europe for eight weeks to learn about the people and the settings of her in-progress time travel novel.
In April 2018, Ellen collaborated with artist Julie Clement in ArtSpeak, a project run by Colorado artist Annette Coleman. Ellen’s resulting poem, “I Am Art (In Memory of Vincent Ferrini)” was inspired by the short film by Henry Ferrini called Poem In Action: A Portrait of Vincent Ferrini. You can see the final project here: http://www.ellenwilkin.com/blog/2018/4/11/artspeak-collaboration-julie-clements-and-ellen-wilkin