The Gloucester Writers Center is a place for working writers in a working town
A reading from spoKe six including David Rich reading from his essay on Gerrit Lansing, James Cook reading from his essay on Sam Cornish, poems by John Mulrooney, Jim Dunn and Amanda Cook. Hosted by Karina Van Berkum and Kevin Gallagher. David Rich worked as the poet Gerrit Lansing’s archivist from 2017 to 2018, […]
This event will be closed to the public. Please join us for the live stream on Facebook! Peter Almond is a documentary and narrative filmmaker, whose career includes work on public issues as a journalist and in public policy with both US and international projects. Current work include a drama set in the lead up […]
The GWC is a community Partner with Salem Film Festival again this year. The Guardian says, "...a moody plunge into the anguish of the artistic process...By the end of this movie you’ll realize that Gilliam’s struggles are humanity’s struggles." In 2000, when he Terry Gilliam first attempted a screen adaptation of Cervantes’ masterpiece, Don Quixote […]