Naming the World - a weekend of Personal Essay based on Bret Anthony Johnston’s book. To write well we must be able to "name the world" around us in such a way as to throw a new light on the ordinary, to see the everyday through a different lens - one that measures the now […]
Framing the Story: An Introduction to the Art of the Graphic Memoir Before we can put a single word down on the page, we must first behold the mental image, however fleeting, that informs our meaning-making process. This is what makes the graphic novel such an incredible lesson to us as writers. It teaches us how to frame images in […]
Cathy Curtis is the author of two previous biographies of women artists, RESTLESS AMBITION: GRACE HARTIGAN, PAINTER (Oxford University Press, 2015) and A GENEROUS VISION: THE CREATIVE LIFE OF ELAINE DE KOONING (Oxford University Press, 2017). Her next book will be a biography of the novelist and essayist Elizabeth Hardwick. Curtis was elected to a two-year […]
Ann Charters will be talking about how Charles Olson influenced her a young writer. She met him in 1968, after she had spent the years 1963-65 in the graduate English program at Columbia. Her dissertation was about 19th century writers in the Berkshires, with chapters on Melville and Hawthorne. When she began to read Olson […]