Infinite People to Know Fish
Maud / Olson Library 108 East Main Street, GloucesterFROM INFINITE PEOPLE TO KNOW FISH "The Authors are in eternity" -- W. Blake To be a gathering of attention toward the work of Vincent […]
The Gloucester Writers Center is a place for working writers in a working town
FROM INFINITE PEOPLE TO KNOW FISH "The Authors are in eternity" -- W. Blake To be a gathering of attention toward the work of Vincent […]
The Gloucester Writers Center invites members of two long-standing Rockport writing groups to share their work. With readings by Connie Komack, Joe Muzio, Chuck Francis, Caroline Haines, Jean Keith, Holly Herring, and Joe Rukeyser.
Dan Wilcox is the host of the Third Thursday Poetry Night at the Social Justice Center in Albany, N.Y. and is a member of the poetry performance group "3 Guys from Albany". As a photographer, he claims to have the world's largest collection of photos of unknown poets. He has been a featured reader at […]
Join us as we celebrate the work of Gloucester High School students with the launch of the literary magazine, the Elicitor. Readers to be announced.
Join us as we celebrate International Women's Day by reading writing by women. Bring a short piece (up to 5 minutes) by a woman to share with the group, or come to listen.
Otto Laske was born in what is now West Poland (Wroclaw/Breslau) three years before the onset of World War II. His first poetry emerged in German at age 15, perhaps as a result of war trauma and the return of his father from Russian prison camps when he was 11. After studies in music, the […]
Like Vincent Ferrini, poet Linda McCarriston is a native of Lynn. She has two sons and four granddaughters. It took her much longer to settle in Gloucester than it did Vincent (she treasures a copy of No Smoke that he gave her in 2002). Educated in Lynn's Catholic schools, she won some high-school writing […]
Brenda Coultas’ poetry can be found in the recent anthologies: Readings in Contemporary Poetry published by the DIA art foundation, What is Poetry (Just Kidding, I Know You Know) Interviews from the Poetry Project newsletter, (1983-2009) and Symmetries Three years of Art and Poetry at Dominque Levy. This fall Coultas was a featured blogger for […]