“Hamlet and Buddha: ‘Words, Words, Words’ and Silence” Mike Sperber

BUDDHA and HAMLET in BEDLAM: SYNOPSIS The play is set at McLean Hospital where Hamlet is admitted, misdiagnosed “psychotic with homicidal hallucinations,” and prescribed Haldol, an antipsychotic medication. Hamlet requests a second opinion and Dr. Frank Faith diagnoses “parasomnia,” discontinues Haldol, and cures Hamlet through holistic psychiatry: body (fencing), mind (playwriting), and spirit (meditation). In […]

David Herd

  Building on his work with the Refugee Tales project (www.refugeetales.org), and taking the contemporary fact of detention as its starting point, David Herd’s talk considers the interlocking attempts of Charles Olson, Hannah Arendt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to arrive at new forms of political space.   David Herd’s collections of poetry […]

Erica Funkhouser and Soren Stockman

Cultural Center at Rocky Neck 6 Wonson Street, Gloucester, United States

In addition to Post & Rail, Erica Funkhouser has published four books of poetry with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and one with Alice James Books. Included in Sure Shot (HM 1992) are three dramatic monologues in the voices of 19th century American women: Sacagawea, Louisa May Alcott, and Annie Oakley. The Oakley poem was adapted for […]

Ann Charters

Among other books, Ann Charters has written & edited two books about & by Charles Olson in the 1960s, compiled a bibliography of Jack Kerouac & wrote his first biography (1973), and edited ten editions of the college textbook THE STORY AND ITS WRITER (1985-2019).   Her talk is  A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE: REVISITING […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Hettie Jones Memoir Workshop

Hettie Jones will be bringing her memoir workshop back to the GWC on August 10 and 11 for three hours each day.  The two-day session is $200. Enrollment is closed.  Thank you for your interest! For more information on Hettie Jones visit www.hettiejones.com/about

Ammon Hillman

Jewish temple worship and Christian communion are both the direct product and development of late Bronze Age (1200-1000 BCE) ritual orgy.  So-called Echidnaic-Ios rites sprang from the genius of a single pre-classical venom specialist, a female immigrant to ancient Georgia, who pioneered the use of her vagina as a device for bio-engineering and administering psychotropic […]

Raymond Foye

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Raymond Foye was born in 1957 in Lowell, Mass. He is a writer, curator, editor and publisher. He studied with Stan Brakhage at the Art Insitute of Chicago. He was a literary editor with City Lights Books, New Directions, and Black Sparrow Press. He was Director of Exhibitions and Publications at Gagosian Gallery from 1990-95. […]

Writing Around the Fold

Flat Rocks Gallery 77 Langsford Street, Gloucester, MA

Writing Around the Fold a writing and paper play workshop for all ages with Gloucester Writers Center’s Amanda Cook in collaboration with B O U S T R O P H E D O N S an exhibit at Flat Rock Gallery Saturday, September 1 3:00 77 Langsford Street Gloucester