Ongoing Virtual Events

Click on down  and join us  for our  first social distance event Join us @  for Let the People Pick the President Jesse Wegman  is a member of the New York Times editorial board, where he has written about the Supreme Court and legal affairs since 2013.  Our interviewer is GWC Advisory Board member, lawyer […]

Who’s A Class Traitor Now? On Being A Working-Class Writer or a Miscreant Artist in New England

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Let's have a conversation together about the specifics of being a class traitor in New England. We can define it together. Public figures like Eileen Myles (Arlington, Massachusetts), Carl Andre (Quincy, MA), and  Marsden Hartley (born in Maine; painted in Gloucester) will serve as touchstones. Together, we will break down how often (but not always!) […]

Stay Safe

Dear Friends, During this time of mass isolation we are  hunkering down with our Board to explore, regroup and reimagine how we can best serve the community while moving sustainably into our this unpredictable future.  To do this we are temporarily suspending our live programming and events until the invisible storm passes.   We want […]

Zoom – Virtual Open Mic

                                    virtual Roger Davis invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting for the monthly Gloucester Writers Center Open Mic. As usual, each reader will have five minutes to read a piece of prose, fiction, or poetry.  In lieu of […]

Anna Solomon

Mark the Date.  Watch the Stream. Ask a the Author. Wednesday, May 6 at 7 p.m.  CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION DETAILS.  Anna Solomon & Charlotte Gordon discuss Anna's new book. Here's what Publisher's  Weekly had to say: "Fresh and tantalizing, with fascinating intergenerational discussions about desire, duty, family, and feminism, as well as a surprising, […]

Open Mic

Join host Roger Davis on Zoom Bring your words get heard. Sign in at 7:15 below and chat before reading Anyone needing help with Zoom sign in can email Roger at Meeting ID: 718 2968 8421 Password: words

Summer Scriptwriting Class with Peter Almond

Tuesdays July 21, 28, Aug 4 & August 11  7pm EST Peter Almond is a film producer and writer in both documentary and narrative genres. He is currently filmmaker/Writer-in-Residence at the GWC. He wants to give a ZOOM Screenwriting Workshop as a contribution!  All proceeds from the workshop will all go to the GWC. These […]
