The Gloucester Writers Center is a place for working writers in a working town
Jennifer Martelli is the author of My Tarantella (Bordighera Press). Most recently, her work has appeared in Tinderbox Poetry, The Bitter Oleander, Sugar House Review, The Baltimore Review, and The […]
FROM INFINITE PEOPLE TO KNOW FISH "The Authors are in eternity" -- W. Blake […]
The Gloucester Writers Center invites members of two long-standing Rockport writing groups to share their work. With readings by Connie Komack, Joe Muzio, Chuck Francis, Caroline Haines, Jean Keith, Holly […]
Dan Wilcox is the host of the Third Thursday Poetry Night at the Social Justice Center in Albany, N.Y. and is a member of the poetry performance group "3 Guys […]
Join us as we celebrate the work of Gloucester High School students with the launch of the literary magazine, the Elicitor. Readers to be announced.
Join us as we celebrate International Women's Day by reading writing by women. Bring a short piece (up to 5 minutes) by a woman to share with the group, or […]
Otto Laske was born in what is now West Poland (Wroclaw/Breslau) three years before the onset of World War II. His first poetry emerged in German at age 15, perhaps […]
Like Vincent Ferrini, poet Linda McCarriston is a native of Lynn. She has two sons and four granddaughters. It took her much longer to settle in Gloucester than it […]
Brenda Coultas’ poetry can be found in the recent anthologies: Readings in Contemporary Poetry published by the DIA art foundation, What is Poetry (Just Kidding, I Know You Know) Interviews […]
Guided Memoir: A small-group experience for new writers Make new friends and nurture your creativity as you write your life story, two pages at a time! Join a small group […]
Yonghong Gu is from Suzhou, China. She is a visiting scholar at UMass Boston. She has studied history, literature and business. She has worked in education and business. Joseph […]
A program of photographs, haiku, and clarinet compositions originating from Halibut Point. Friday evening, April 12, 7:30 at the home of Stephen and Isabella Bates, 2 Masconomo […]
Schuyler Hoffman has published two books of poetry: Words in a Foreign Language and The Spaces Between as well as the collaborative poetry-music CD Sacrifice. His work has appeared in […]
Neeli Cherkovski was horn in Los Angeles and has Lived in San Francisco since 1974. He is the author of many books of poetry and prose and books translated into […]
A mosaic is made of many pieces together, as is our fine city. Three organizations are collaborating to present The Mosaic that is Gloucester: MosaicGloucester; Maritime Gloucester; and the Gloucester […]
On Sunday, May 5, from 1 to 3 p.m., Literary Cape Ann presents three of our region’s best-selling authors sharing stories about how their books became popular movies and […]
Come remember and celebrate Gerrit Lansing with poems, song and stories.
Donald Wellman, poet, editor, and translator, his recent book of poetry is Essay Poems (Dos Madres: Loveland OH). Other books from Dos Madre include The Cranberry Island Series and A […]
Get tickets here!
Jay Featherstone’s Glass is true to its title as these poems allow the reader to look straight though language to see clearly how joy and loss are inextricably connected (“On […]
The word 'Community' is the core of Wellspring's Mission Statement, created in 1987. That word expresses the way in which Wellspring's life, work and decisions developed in a relational organizational […]
In July 1976, a twenty-four-year-old white woman, Margo Olson, was found in a shallow grave in Stamford, Connecticut, with an arrow piercing through her heart. A few weeks later, Howie […]
Mary Baine Campbell is a Cambridge-based poet and scholar (of literature and the histories of travel, geography, science and utopia), as well as a climate activist. Her publications include The […]