The Gloucester Writers Center is a place for working writers in a working town
GUIDED AUTOBIOGRAPHY GROUP: The Journey of a LifetimeJoin members of our community for a journey of personal exploration,writing, and community building as we:• leave a legacy for family members • facilitate life transitions• enhance personal growth • contribute to history • enjoy thethrill of self-discoveryGuided autobiography is a fun and effective process for life reviewthat […]
Unburying Malcolm Miller Filmmakers Kevin Carey and Mark Hillringhouse bring the outsider poet Malcolm Miller back to life in this riveting documentary. Miller found early success with his poetry and a close friendship with McGill classmate Leonard Cohen, but later succumbed to mental illness and obscurity and living a life on the margins. In spite […]
Join poets, musicians, and artists around the world in a celebration to promote peace, sustainability and justice and to call for serious social, environmental and political change. Bring a poem, a song or a short piece to share. Each reader gets up to five minutes. For more information on the global movement, visit
Every Fall, the Gloucester Writers Center organizes volunteers to go into Gloucester High School to help seniors with their college essays. You do not necessarily need to be a writer, but good reading and editing skills are a plus. The volunteers sit in the high school library, and students come in with drafts in all […]
Wendy Drexler’s third poetry collection, Before There Was Before, was published by Iris Press in March 2017. A three-time Pushcart-Prize nominee, she’s also the author of Western Motel (Turning Point, 2012) and the chapbook Drive-Ins, Gas Stations, the Bright Motels (Pudding House, 2007). Her poems have appeared widely or are forthcoming in […]
Fish Tales True stories told live. Deadline Friday October 19 7:30 pm Cultural Center at Rocky Neck 6 Wonson Street, Gloucester Featured storytellers include: Phoebe Potts Heather Atwood Charles Nazarian Bill Wrinn and more!
This illustrated lecture, “A Life of Olson, with Glyphs,” will feature a sequence of projected color Glyphs with text and comments on key points in Charles Olson’s life and times, including the personal interactions of Olson with Ed Sanders beginning in 1962 and continuing until Olson’s passing in early 1970. Included will be a tracing […]
Broken Glory deals with the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. Fifty years after there are still unanswered questions about whether his murder was the result of a conspiracy. Broken Glory is a graphic history told in epic verse of Bobby Kennedy's life and times leading up to the fateful 1968 election campaign, with 100 illustrations […]
In Honor of Veterans Day presenting Rough Seas Readings and Reflections on War and Writing from the Cape Ann Veterans Writing Workshop Join us for an evening to honor Veterans Day Featured Readers James Grigg, Poet, Viet Nam Veteran Heather Dupont, Poet, V.A. Health Professional Sign up at 7:15 for the Veterans […]
Women's Work on Charles Olson Kate Colby is author of seven books of poetry, including The Arrangements (Four Way Books, 2018). A book of literary essays, Dream of the Trenches (Noemi Books, 2019), is forthcoming. Fruitlands won the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America in 2007. She has received awards […]
God Bless Cambodia is a picaresque comedy about a never-married hypochondriac who takes a trip around the world hoping to change his luck with love. It's an unflinching look at how men feel about sex, love, marriage, and massage parlors. The book features adult situations, adult language, and more adult situations. "A very entertaining story […]
Join Rosemary Haughton and Nancy Schwoyer on Wednesday, Dec. 5,7:30 p.m. at the Gloucester Writers Center for a conversation about the book they are working on. It is based on their experiences as founders of Wellspring House and their many years of practicing "radical hospitality". In their words:"The phrase 'home-making' has traditionally meant women's work, something […]
The Gloucester Writers Center invites you to share a poem you have given as a gift, a poem given to you as a gift, or a poem dedicated to someone to share as we enter the season of giving.
Are you interested in sharing your experience Indie Publishing or learning more about it? If so, come to our Indie Publishing discussion on Wednesday, October 24th from 7-8pm. Talk with other writers who have already Indie Published or are thinking about the possibility. If you have any questions, send an email to GWC Education Committee […]
Join us for a reading of work from the Gloucester High School Elicitor.
We are still in our winter holiday. See you in February!
The Business of Writing group is now forming and has scheduled its first meeting. Monday, January 14th at 6:30pm at the GWC Working writers in all genres often struggle with the business end of their process. Finding new outlets for a poem or essay, knowing which editor to contact, keeping a regular submissions […]
"Joan of Arc and Doctor Dark in Bedlam's Park" is a one-act play with four scenes. It explores how a teenage, illiterate, cross-dressing, peasant girl, who did not know how to ride a horse, became commander-in-chief of the French army and turned the tide on the Hundred Years' War, the most brutal, barbaric and […]
Brenda Coultas’ poetry can be found in the recent anthologies: Readings in Contemporary Poetry published by the DIA art foundation, What is Poetry (Just Kidding, I Know You Know) Interviews from the Poetry Project newsletter, (1983-2009) and Symmetries Three years of Art and Poetry at Dominque Levy. This fall Coultas was a featured blogger for […]
Guided Memoir: A Small-Group Experience with Claudia Filos Make new friendships and nurture your creativity as you write your life story, two pages at a time! Join this small-group of 6-8 participants as we support and encourage each other through a powerful 10-week reading and writing program. Each week we will explore our life story using […]
FROM INFINITE PEOPLE TO KNOW FISH "The Authors are in eternity" -- W. Blake To be a gathering of attention toward the work of Vincent […]
Jennifer Martelli is the author of My Tarantella (Bordighera Press). Most recently, her work has appeared in Tinderbox Poetry, The Bitter Oleander, Sugar House Review, The Baltimore Review, and The Superstition Review. She has been nominated for both the Pushcart and Best of the Net Prizes and is the recipient of the Massachusetts Cultural Council […]
FROM INFINITE PEOPLE TO KNOW FISH "The Authors are in eternity" -- W. Blake To be a gathering of attention toward the work of Vincent […]
The Gloucester Writers Center invites members of two long-standing Rockport writing groups to share their work. With readings by Connie Komack, Joe Muzio, Chuck Francis, Caroline Haines, Jean Keith, Holly Herring, and Joe Rukeyser.
Dan Wilcox is the host of the Third Thursday Poetry Night at the Social Justice Center in Albany, N.Y. and is a member of the poetry performance group "3 Guys from Albany". As a photographer, he claims to have the world's largest collection of photos of unknown poets. He has been a featured reader at […]
Join us as we celebrate the work of Gloucester High School students with the launch of the literary magazine, the Elicitor. Readers to be announced.
Join us as we celebrate International Women's Day by reading writing by women. Bring a short piece (up to 5 minutes) by a woman to share with the group, or come to listen.
Otto Laske was born in what is now West Poland (Wroclaw/Breslau) three years before the onset of World War II. His first poetry emerged in German at age 15, perhaps as a result of war trauma and the return of his father from Russian prison camps when he was 11. After studies in music, the […]
Like Vincent Ferrini, poet Linda McCarriston is a native of Lynn. She has two sons and four granddaughters. It took her much longer to settle in Gloucester than it did Vincent (she treasures a copy of No Smoke that he gave her in 2002). Educated in Lynn's Catholic schools, she won some high-school writing […]
Brenda Coultas’ poetry can be found in the recent anthologies: Readings in Contemporary Poetry published by the DIA art foundation, What is Poetry (Just Kidding, I Know You Know) Interviews from the Poetry Project newsletter, (1983-2009) and Symmetries Three years of Art and Poetry at Dominque Levy. This fall Coultas was a featured blogger for […]
Guided Memoir: A small-group experience for new writers Make new friends and nurture your creativity as you write your life story, two pages at a time! Join a small group of 5-10 participants as we support and encourage each other through a powerful reading and writing program. Our focus is on writing and sharing as […]
Yonghong Gu is from Suzhou, China. She is a visiting scholar at UMass Boston. She has studied history, literature and business. She has worked in education and business. Joseph Torra is a poet, fiction writer, editor and teacher. Being Exiled is a novel in progress by Yonghong Gu. She and Joseph Torra are […]
A program of photographs, haiku, and clarinet compositions originating from Halibut Point. Friday evening, April 12, 7:30 at the home of Stephen and Isabella Bates, 2 Masconomo Street, Manchester. Seating 60. Reservations required, (978) 526-1443 or Admission is free. Donate $20 at the door to the Gloucester Writers Center, receive a […]
Schuyler Hoffman has published two books of poetry: Words in a Foreign Language and The Spaces Between as well as the collaborative poetry-music CD Sacrifice. His work has appeared in The Café Review and in The Anthology of Post-Beat Poetry in translation in China. His new book Signal to Noise explores the myriad ways that […]
Neeli Cherkovski was horn in Los Angeles and has Lived in San Francisco since 1974. He is the author of many books of poetry and prose and books translated into Turkish, German, Italian, and Spanish. He is recipient of a PEN Josephine Miles Award for excellence in literature and the Jack Mueller poetry prize for […]
A mosaic is made of many pieces together, as is our fine city. Three organizations are collaborating to present The Mosaic that is Gloucester: MosaicGloucester; Maritime Gloucester; and the Gloucester Writer’s Center. In Part 3 of the event, The Gloucester Writers Center and The Maud/Olson Library will present What Holds Us Together: This Place in […]
On Sunday, May 5, from 1 to 3 p.m., Literary Cape Ann presents three of our region’s best-selling authors sharing stories about how their books became popular movies and what that career-changing experience was like. Our panelists are Rodman Philbrick, author of “Freak the Mighty,” a middle grade book still taught in schools and […]
Come remember and celebrate Gerrit Lansing with poems, song and stories.
Donald Wellman, poet, editor, and translator, his recent book of poetry is Essay Poems (Dos Madres: Loveland OH). Other books from Dos Madre include The Cranberry Island Series and A North Atlantic Wall; Prolog Pages was issued by Ahadada (2009); Fields (Light and Dust 1995). For several years, he edited O.ARS, a series of anthologies, […]
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Jay Featherstone’s Glass is true to its title as these poems allow the reader to look straight though language to see clearly how joy and loss are inextricably connected (“On the path to impoverishment,/tenderness. // In the long taking away, / hearing festival sounds / through all the streets of the city.”). From Wilkes-Barre to […]
The word 'Community' is the core of Wellspring's Mission Statement, created in 1987. That word expresses the way in which Wellspring's life, work and decisions developed in a relational organizational model, with an ethic of friendship and the practice of mutuality. In the book about Wellspring that Rosemary and Nancy are writing, they explore how […]
In July 1976, a twenty-four-year-old white woman, Margo Olson, was found in a shallow grave in Stamford, Connecticut, with an arrow piercing through her heart. A few weeks later, Howie Carter, her black boyfriend, was killed by the police. Howie and Margo’s interracial relationship held a distorted mirror to the author’s own, with Howie’s best […]
Mary Baine Campbell is a Cambridge-based poet and scholar (of literature and the histories of travel, geography, science and utopia), as well as a climate activist. Her publications include The Witness and the Other World, Wonder and Science: Imagining Worlds in Early Modern Europe and poetry collections The World, the Flesh, and Angels and Trouble, […]
Join us at the Maud/Olson Library for a celebration of Walt Whitman's 200th birthday! Wine, dine, and revel on the deck with us at the M/OL, as we celebrate the man and his work on the eve of his 200th birthday. His poetry will be available in the library to read, discuss, and enjoy. All […]
Áine’s presentation will focus on writing personal essays--such as those published in The Boston Globe Magazine, Brevity, The New York Times Modern Love series and other publications. She will discuss the risks and rewards of writing about our personal experiences, including why and how she wrote and published her just released essay collection (about immigration) 30+ […]
Judith Wright was born in 1939 and is an artist living in Gloucester, Massachusetts. She became a Freedom Rider and was jailed in the Mississippi State Penitentiary in 1961. Later, in 1964, she spent a year in Meridian, Mississippi working with her husband Sib in the Civil Rights Movement. Acts of Resistance; A Freedom Rider […]
PATRICK DONNELLY is the author of four books of poetry, Little-Known Operas (Four Way Books, 2019), Jesus Said (a chapbook from Orison Books, 2017), Nocturnes of the Brothel of Ruin (Four Way Books, 2012, a Lambda Literary Award finalist), and The Charge (Ausable Press, 2003, since 2009 part of Copper Canyon Press). Donnelly is director […]
Naming the World - a weekend of Personal Essay based on Bret Anthony Johnston’s book. To write well we must be able to "name the world" around us in such a way as to throw a new light on the ordinary, to see the everyday through a different lens - one that measures the now […]
Framing the Story: An Introduction to the Art of the Graphic Memoir Before we can put a single word down on the page, we must first behold the mental image, however fleeting, that informs our meaning-making process. This is what makes the graphic novel such an incredible lesson to us as writers. It teaches us how to frame images in […]
Cathy Curtis is the author of two previous biographies of women artists, RESTLESS AMBITION: GRACE HARTIGAN, PAINTER (Oxford University Press, 2015) and A GENEROUS VISION: THE CREATIVE LIFE OF ELAINE DE KOONING (Oxford University Press, 2017). Her next book will be a biography of the novelist and essayist Elizabeth Hardwick. Curtis was elected to a two-year […]
Ann Charters will be talking about how Charles Olson influenced her a young writer. She met him in 1968, after she had spent the years 1963-65 in the graduate English program at Columbia. Her dissertation was about 19th century writers in the Berkshires, with chapters on Melville and Hawthorne. When she began to read Olson […]