Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Jane Keddy and Barbara Boudreau

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Join us for a night of fun and reading of three completely different kinds of books! Jane Keddy and Barbara Boudreau are both charter members of The Finish Line, a writer's group that formed in the fall of 2011 and continues today. Both women have published books, Boudreau's novel,  The Frenchman in 2013 and Keddy's Serial […]

Jane Keddy and Barbara Boudreau

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Join us for a night of fun and reading of three completely different kinds of books! Jane Keddy and Barbara Boudreau are both charter members of The Finish Line, a writer's group that formed in the fall of 2011 and continues today. Both women have published books, Boudreau's novel, The Frenchman in 2013 and Keddy's Serial Monogamy earlier […]

Eloise and Art Hodges

Cultural Center at Rocky Neck 6 Wonson Street, Gloucester, United States

Eloise Weld Hodges grew up in Essex, then moved in 1954 with her family to Dolliver’s Neck, Gloucester.  As Associate Editor and feature writer for North Shore Magazine (1975-80), she wrote about people and places that illuminated that part of the world.  She will read from Wishbone, a collection of essays about family events and related […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

College Essay Program Training

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Every Fall, the Gloucester Writers Center organizes volunteers to go into Gloucester High School to help seniors with their college essays. You do not necessarily need to be a writer, but good reading and editing skills are a plus. The volunteers sit in the high school library, and students come in with drafts in all […]

Ellen Wilkin

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Ellen Wilkin has been writing for 45 years as a poet and essayist, as a technical writer and editor in the computer industry, and as a novelist. Several of her poems were published in THE POETRY JAM SESSIONS, a collection she also edited. Her current project is a science fiction/time travel novel.  She also runs […]

The Dogtown Writers Festival

Various MA, United States

  Dogtown Writers Festival September 27 and 28 Join us and other fellow writers in exploring and celebrating PLACE, with Cape Ann as a microcosm of the global macrocosm. The festival will be looking at what shapes our progressive future without losing “grounding” in our cultural roots and the history we grow out of. We […]

Mitch Manning and James Stotts

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Mitch Manning is the author of city of water (Arrowsmith, 2019). He’s taught poetry in central China and his poems have been read in Basra, southern Iraq as part of the Boston to Basra Project. He teaches in the English and Labor Studies programs at UMass Boston, and is Associate Director at the Joiner Institute for the Study of […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Cape Ann Plein Air Reading

Beauport Hotel

The Gloucester Writers Center and Cape Ann Plein Air invite you to share you plein air writing. Join us at Beauport Hotel for an open-mic reading on Wednesday, October 9 at 7:00. Below is a list of locations painters participating in Cape Ann Plein Air often paint from, as well as some prompts for these […]

Patrick Barron and David Blair

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Patrick Barron grew up in the Pacific Northwest, lived in Northern Ireland, the Netherlands, and Italy for a number of years, and is now based in Boston, where he teaches at the University of Massachusetts. His poems, essays, and translations have appeared in various journals. His most recent books are Towards the River's Mouth (Verso […]

Charles Olson Lecture: Stephen Fredman

Cape Ann Museum 27 Pleasant Street, Gloucester, MA, United States

Stephen Fredman is the author of "'Difficulties Are Once More': Charles Olson, John Dewey, and the Rhythm of Experience.”  Stephen's talk considers three features of Olson's writing--rhythm, history, and performance--as they occur in works composed during his time at Black Mountain College. The American pragmatist, John Dewey, will be our companion, especially his Art as […]

Stephen Kalaghan

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Stephen Kalaghan is a long time Cape Ann area resident, having lived in Gloucester, MA and Rockport, MA since 1990. Originally from Weymouth, MA, he is a 1986 graduate of Cotting School, in Lexington, MA, and a 1994 graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Boston, where he earned a B.A. Degree, majoring in Theatre […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Nadine Boughton and Scott Withiam

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Nadine Boughton, M.A., is a writer/poet, collage artist, coach and teacher. Her writing has been published in literary journals, trade books and presented in a number of venues. She studied writing and voice with teachers in the oral tradition, including David Whyte. Nadine’s visual art is represented by the Matthew Swift Gallery in Gloucester and […]

Joey Gould and Amanda Cook

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Joey Gould is a non-binary poet from Hopedale who tutors & often works with Mass Poetry for content writing, event planning, hosting, & performing. Their writing has appeared in Drunk Monkeys, District Lit, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, & Memoir Mixtapes. Joey performs in the Boston cast of The Poetry Brothel as Izzie Hexxam & […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Fish Tales: Beyond Belief

Gloucester Stage Company 267 East Main Street, Gloucester, MA, United States

The Embodied Voice with Nadine Boughton

The Embodied Voice   The embodied voice is one rooted not only in larynx and throat but the Earth; it retains the animal, the sounds of the world rising up through the body. As Charles Olson wrote: whatever you have to say, leave the roots on, let them dangle And the dirt Just to make […]

James Sullivan: Which Side Are You On?

Gloucester Stage Company 267 East Main Street, Gloucester, MA, United States

In Which Side Are You On, author James Sullivan delivers a lively anecdotal history of the progressive movements that have shaped the growth of the United States, and the songs that have accompanied and defined them. Come share in the music with a perfect handful of Cape Ann Musicians singing there own interpretations of these […]


Words After Work with Aine Greaney

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

  This evening writing workshop is suitable for working adults or those balancing volunteer work with family responsibilities. The Words after Work workshop will cover the following:  - An overview of the documented research and benefits on/of expressive writing for personal wellness and resilience - How to develop and maintain a consistent writing practice--even when you work full time […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Creative Nonfiction with John R. Nelson

Maud / Olson Library 108 East Main Street, Gloucester

Creative nonfiction refers broadly to fact-based essays, written for publication, that emphasize point of view and often employ narration. We will focus on the basics of writing creative nonfiction: purpose, audience, shaping, voice and tone, style, and use of sources. Most class time will be devoted to critiques of student writing, and all students will […]

Rachel Layne: How to Read The News

The news is overwhelming. How do you sort through it? Where to begin? How do you know what's true? Come listen to a journalist outline how she ferrets out information using tools of the trade. You'll learn how to: - Identify a meme or unreported story vs. news written by professional journalists - Figure out […]

Fish Tales: True Love

Gloucester Stage Company 267 East Main Street, Gloucester, MA, United States

Buy tickets here.       If you have  a story you'd like to tell, please contact Casey Breton at

An Evening with Andre Dubus III

Azorean Resturant 133 Washington Street, Gloucester, MA, United States

Come enjoy Tapas appetizers, drinks, and conversation in an intimate setting with novelist and short story writer Andre Dubus III. Andre’s seven books include the New York Times’ bestsellers House of Sand and Fog, The Garden of Last Days, and his memoir, Townie. His most recent novel, Gone So Long, has received starred reviews from […]


Carmine Gorga

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

A Reading from spoKe six

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

A reading from spoKe six including David Rich reading from his essay on Gerrit Lansing, James Cook reading from his essay on Sam Cornish, poems by John Mulrooney, Jim Dunn and Amanda Cook. Hosted by Karina Van Berkum and Kevin Gallagher.   David Rich worked as the poet Gerrit Lansing’s archivist from 2017 to 2018, […]

Peter Almond

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

This event will be closed to the public. Please join us for the live stream on Facebook! Peter Almond is a documentary and narrative filmmaker, whose career includes work on public issues as a journalist and in public policy with both US and international projects. Current work include a drama set in the lead up […]

He Dreams of Giants

The Cabot 286 Cabot St, Beverly, MA

The GWC is a community Partner with Salem Film Festival again this year. The Guardian says,  "...a moody plunge into the anguish of the artistic process...By the end of this movie you’ll realize  that Gilliam’s struggles are humanity’s struggles."  In 2000, when he Terry Gilliam first attempted a screen adaptation of Cervantes’ masterpiece, Don Quixote […]

A word from the Gloucester Writers Center

In order to keep our community safe, the Gloucester Writers Center has postponed our events for the next month. Looking for something to do?  We have a wealth of readings and events archived at  Visit our media archives to listen to podcasts of our readings or watch videos of past events. We will evaluate […]

Ongoing Virtual Events

Click on down  and join us  for our  first social distance event Join us @  for Let the People Pick the President Jesse Wegman  is a member of the New York Times editorial board, where he has written about the Supreme Court and legal affairs since 2013.  Our interviewer is GWC Advisory Board member, lawyer […]

Who’s A Class Traitor Now? On Being A Working-Class Writer or a Miscreant Artist in New England

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Let's have a conversation together about the specifics of being a class traitor in New England. We can define it together. Public figures like Eileen Myles (Arlington, Massachusetts), Carl Andre (Quincy, MA), and  Marsden Hartley (born in Maine; painted in Gloucester) will serve as touchstones. Together, we will break down how often (but not always!) […]

Stay Safe

Dear Friends, During this time of mass isolation we are  hunkering down with our Board to explore, regroup and reimagine how we can best serve the community while moving sustainably into our this unpredictable future.  To do this we are temporarily suspending our live programming and events until the invisible storm passes.   We want […]

Zoom – Virtual Open Mic

                                    virtual Roger Davis invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting for the monthly Gloucester Writers Center Open Mic. As usual, each reader will have five minutes to read a piece of prose, fiction, or poetry.  In lieu of […]

Anna Solomon

Mark the Date.  Watch the Stream. Ask a the Author. Wednesday, May 6 at 7 p.m.  CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION DETAILS.  Anna Solomon & Charlotte Gordon discuss Anna's new book. Here's what Publisher's  Weekly had to say: "Fresh and tantalizing, with fascinating intergenerational discussions about desire, duty, family, and feminism, as well as a surprising, […]

Open Mic

Join host Roger Davis on Zoom Bring your words get heard. Sign in at 7:15 below and chat before reading Anyone needing help with Zoom sign in can email Roger at Meeting ID: 718 2968 8421 Password: words

Summer Scriptwriting Class with Peter Almond

Tuesdays July 21, 28, Aug 4 & August 11  7pm EST Peter Almond is a film producer and writer in both documentary and narrative genres. He is currently filmmaker/Writer-in-Residence at the GWC. He wants to give a ZOOM Screenwriting Workshop as a contribution!  All proceeds from the workshop will all go to the GWC. These […]


True-Life Tales w/ a Twist

Join Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons, producer of the nonfiction series No, YOU Tell It! (, for this generative storytelling workshop. Participants will turn out and trade true tales to examine what makes a powerful, affecting, and expressive story on the page or stage. Have a Fish Tales story you want to hone or a new tale you’ve […]


Fish Tales: Are We There Yet?

Online Livestream

HOSTED BY CASEY BRETON With stories from  Rev. Wendy Fitting, Abram Kielsmeir-Jones, Doug Rich, Dick Prouty, Laila Goodman, Bobbie Wayne,  and  Keith Harris. RESERVE YOUR TICKET TODAY Online Ticket Purchase Available Here OR CALL: 978-281-4433

Storytelling with Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons

   Storytelling Guru Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons offers four workshops 10am - 11:30 the following Saturdays (Take one for $35 or $25 for two or more) Saturday, Oct 10th - What? vs. Why? Generative workshop that explores WHAT the story is about, but more importantly, WHY it needs to be told? Saturday, Oct 24th - Story Starters Hook readers […]


Visual Storytelling with Anne Rearick

The Art of Visual Storytelling w/ Anne Rearick October 10, 17 & 24th $175 for workshop - Class maximum 10 This workshop will guide and support participants in honing their storytelling skills through photography. Stories may be personal and explore family and community or address larger societal issues like the Black Lives Matter movement or […]


Screenwriting with Peter Almond

  Our second screenwriting workshop with film producer and writer  Peter Almond      Starts 7pm EST. Class starts on October 20th and runs  four consecutive Tuesdays.   Workshop is limited to eight -  $150   To save your space email These 90-minute workshops will consider basic screenplay writing issues involving premise, structure, character and […]


Storytelling Workshop with Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons  


Storytelling Guru Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons offers three more workshops 10:00am - 11:30 (Take one for $35 or $25 for two or more) Saturday, Nov 7th - Story Starters Hook readers with varied techniques to start a story. Saturday, Nov 21st - Aha! Moments Moments of joy, pain, or change that send the story in a new direction. Saturday, Dec 5th […]


Visual Storytelling with Anne Rearick


The Art of Visual Storytelling w/ Anne Rearick Oct. 31 - Nov. 7 & 14    1-3 pm $175 for workshop - Class maximum 10 This workshop will guide and support participants in honing their storytelling skills through photography. Stories may be personal and explore family and community or address larger societal issues like the Black […]




NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH is an annual internet based creative writing project that takes place during November. This year Gloucester School Teacher, Heidi Wakeman is volunteering with the GWC to facilitate the program. Heidi says, "I've always wanted to write a novel and what better time then now! " Every Monday  in November from 7pm to 8:30 the […]

M. Lynda Robinson – 10 minute Plays

  The Return of the 10 Minute Play Over the years M. Lynda Robinson's 10 play workshop produced several award winning shows. If you've ever wanted to write a play this is a great introduction to the craft. Classes planned for November. Four sessions on Zoom. $125 To save your space email:


Visual Storytelling with Anne Rearick


The Art of Visual Storytelling w/ Anne Rearick Oct. 31 - Nov. 7 & 14    1-3 pm $175 for workshop - Class maximum 10 This workshop will guide and support participants in honing their storytelling skills through photography. Stories may be personal and explore family and community or address larger societal issues like the Black […]




NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH is an annual internet based creative writing project that takes place during November. This year Gloucester School Teacher, Heidi Wakeman is volunteering with the GWC to facilitate the program. Heidi says, "I've always wanted to write a novel and what better time then now! " Every Monday  in November from 7pm to 8:30 the […]