Walt Whitman’s 200th Birthday Party

Maud / Olson Library 108 East Main Street, Gloucester

Join us at the Maud/Olson Library for a celebration of Walt Whitman's 200th birthday! Wine, dine, and revel on the deck with us at the M/OL, as we celebrate the man and his work on the eve of his 200th birthday. His poetry will be available in the library to read, discuss, and enjoy. All […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Aine Greaney

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Áine’s presentation will focus on writing personal essays--such as those published in The Boston Globe Magazine, Brevity, The New York Times Modern Love series and other publications. She will discuss the risks and rewards of writing about our personal experiences, including why and how she wrote and published her just released essay collection (about immigration) 30+ […]

Judith Wright and Tom Fels

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Judith Wright was born in 1939 and is an artist living in Gloucester, Massachusetts.  She became a Freedom Rider and was jailed in the Mississippi State Penitentiary in 1961. Later, in 1964, she spent a year in Meridian, Mississippi working with her husband Sib in the Civil Rights Movement. Acts of Resistance; A Freedom Rider […]

Patrick Donnelly

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

PATRICK DONNELLY is the author of four books of poetry, Little-Known Operas (Four Way Books, 2019), Jesus Said (a chapbook from Orison Books, 2017), Nocturnes of the Brothel of Ruin (Four Way Books, 2012, a Lambda Literary Award finalist), and The Charge (Ausable Press, 2003, since 2009 part of Copper Canyon Press). Donnelly is director […]

Open Mic

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Naming the World with Julie Batten

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Naming the World - a weekend of Personal Essay based on Bret Anthony Johnston’s book. To write well we must be able to "name the world" around us in such a way as to throw a new light on the ordinary, to see the everyday through a different lens - one that measures the now […]

Framing the Story: An Introduction to the Art of the Graphic Memoir

Maud / Olson Library 108 East Main Street, Gloucester

Framing the Story: An Introduction to the Art of the Graphic Memoir   Before we can put a single word down on the page, we must first behold the mental image, however fleeting, that informs our meaning-making process. This is what makes the graphic novel such an incredible lesson to us as writers. It teaches us how to frame images in […]

Cathy Curtis on Nell Blaine

Gloucester Writers Center 126 East Main Street, Gloucester

Cathy Curtis is the author of two previous biographies of women artists, RESTLESS AMBITION: GRACE HARTIGAN, PAINTER (Oxford University Press, 2015) and A GENEROUS VISION: THE CREATIVE LIFE OF ELAINE DE KOONING (Oxford University Press, 2017). Her next book will be a biography of the novelist and essayist Elizabeth Hardwick. Curtis was elected to a two-year […]

Ann Charters

Ann Charters will be talking about how Charles Olson influenced her a young writer.  She met him in 1968, after she had spent the years 1963-65 in the graduate English program at Columbia.  Her dissertation was about 19th century writers in the Berkshires, with chapters on Melville and Hawthorne.  When she began to read Olson […]