The Gloucester Writers Center and Cape Ann Plein Air invite you to share you plein air writing.
Join us at Beauport Hotel for an open-mic reading on Wednesday, October 9 at 7:00.
Below is a list of locations painters participating in Cape Ann Plein Air often paint from, as well as some prompts for these locations. We invite you to spend some time outside writing on Cape Ann, whether it be from a prompt below or not. Stories, poems, essays, songs– all are welcome. Each reader will get five minutes to share their work.
Readers can sign up at the door. Please email Amanda@gloucesterwriters.org with any questions.
Stravos Reservation on Island Road, Essex…path to the top of a hill
Essex Town Landing
Ship Building Museum and Burham’s Boat Yard
Cox Reservation
Cogswell Grant
Marsh behind Woodman’s
End of Island Rd
Downtown shops
Rt 133 headed to Ipswich
Chebacco Lake
In the case of inclement weather- Spots under cover:
Essex Ship Building Museum
Lanes Cove
Plum Cove
Annisquam Village and lighthouse
Gloucester Marine Railways – dock at end of Railways, Rocky Neck
Ocean Alliance (restroom available during office hours) – Paint Factory, Horton
St., Rocky Neck
Stevens Landing aka The Breeze Way- view to Ten Pound Island
Niles Pond
Eastern Point Light House
Good Harbor Beach
Paint Factory from Rogers Street board walk (I4C2)
North Shore Arts Association covered porch
41 Eastern Point Blvd- porch in private home /J. Fremont
Bandstand – Stage Fort Park
Good Morning Gloucester’s Joey C. East Main Street open bay to harbor
Gloucester Stage Company, lower level
Manchester by the Sea
Singing beach
Manchester harbor from either Reed or Masconomo park information area
Tower House on Smith’s Point
Tuck’s Point Rotunda
MBS cont’d
Masconomo Park and Manchester Harbor
The Field in West Manchester, on 127, opposite the Old Corner Inn
The inlet on 127 in East Manchester, just east of the Railroad Bridge.
Crow Island
Ocean Street (Black and White Beaches)
Coolidge Point
Crocker’s Boat Yard
Porches under cover :
Masconomo Park bandstand
Tuck’s Point rotunda and chowder house
The Headlands overlooking Rockport Harbor
Pebble Beach
Cape Hedge beach
Halibut Point Park
Loblolly Cove
Lands End
Millbrook Meadow
Steep bank landing
Marmion Way footpath
Granite Pier
The Atlantic Path
Seaview Farm
Summit Ave.
Rockport Harbor
Town of Rockport streets