GWC Video Events from 2012.
Gloucester Writers Center
The Gloucester Writers Center is a working writers center in a working town. Housed in the former home of poet Vincent Ferrini, the GWC is dedicated to fostering the tradition of local poetic investigation practiced by Ferrini and his friend the renowned Gloucester poet, Charles Olson. Incorporated in 2010 we sponsor a range of events and programs that serve our community. We present poets, novelists, critics, essayists, playwrights and non-fiction writers. Our programs include classes and workshops on creative writing, journalism and playwriting. We provide a meeting place for local writers groups and youth programs. We help keep Gloucester’s literary tradition alive by bringing internationally known writers like Diane di Prima, Andrei Codrescu and Iain Sinclair to town. This year countercultural icon Ed Sanders and Prize winning poet Anne Waldman will be our guests. See for our programs and schedule of events.
Vincent Ferrini: Dionysis in the Polis – Lecture Ken Warren
Life is the poem
Gloucester Writers Center Appeal Video
In two years the Gloucester Writers Center has presented over ninety local, national and international writers to Cape Ann. Like this “place”, we think of the Center as a “valued” place, a place for education and inspiration and dialogue. For more information on our programs and upcoming events go to
ed sanders YouTube sharing
Anne Waldman/Ambrose Bye
Anne Waldman and Ambrose Bye perform at the 3rd annual Charles Olson Lecture at the Cape Ann Museum, October 13, 2012 in Gloucester, Ma. The program was sponsored by the Cape Ann Museum, the Charles Olson Society and the Gloucester Writers Center. GWC board member Dorothy Shubow Nelson commented on Anne & Ambrose’s performance, “Anne Waldman’s presentation was truly a tour de force. Suddenly the windows were opened. It’s not that there hadn’t been air, but something in the air was missing.”
Poets Around Town : Gloucester High School Poets
October 17, 2012 James Cook introduces Gloucester High poets Pauline Cruz, Madeleine MacDougal and Elizabeth Stephens at the Gloucester Writers Center.
Cornish, Collins & Weaver
Martha Collins, Afaa Michael Weaver and Sam Cornish read at the Gloucester Writers Center.
Anthony Weller Reads at the Gloucester Writers Center
Anthony reads from his novel, “The Land of Later On.”
Shahar mixdown
will mix down YouTube sharing
mix Darcie and Damon YouTube sharing